Monday, October 13, 2014

You. Are. Not. Alone.

So, lately on a lot of my other sites (Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, etc.), I’ve been posting many things about being yourself.

The reason behind way I have been so devoted to this particular topic is because currently, I know a great deal of people, young and old, who are battling with being judged for “who they are.”

     Now, just to clarify, if “who you are” is a sin, then we need to talk. And if you are confused about your personality being considered a sin, that conversation is for another blog post another day. Today we are going to talk about putting the Devil’s/other people’s harmful words aside, and listening to God’s.

     The moment sin entered the world; mankind looked at each other and instantly thought unholy things: Adam and Eve both blamed others for their own faults, Cain desired to murder Abel (which he later accomplish), and when Noah informed everyone that there was going to be a great flood, they all thought him to be pretty freakin’ stupid.

Even Noah, a great man of God, was made fun of and ridiculed for believing in something.

You. Are. Not. Alone. (If anyone caught that Doctor Who reference, I love you.)

     Once upon a time, a young girl began to struggle with herself as a person: how she looked, how she acted, what her voice sounded like, and who she was as a whole. This was not what the young twelve-year-old girl should have spent her days thinking about. She should’ve be running around, climbing trees, and playing with her Polly Pockets without a care in the world of what anyone thought about her, because all that she ever needed was God.

But no, she heard what the other girls in school and the media said.

“Look this way.”

“Act this way.”

“Think this way.”

“Be this, be that, just don’t be yourself.”

How was she supposed to listen to the words of the Bible, “God made man in His own image” and “you are fearfully and wonderfully made” when everyone else says different? Was it all just a great, big lie?

This twelve-year-old little girl…was me.

For four long years these questions ran through my mind. “Who am I supposed to be?” “Who am I?”

Which soon led to…“Who is God?” “Why am I even here?”

     Though it never led to thoughts of suicide, thank God, it did cause me to wonder why any of us are even here. Why we live? Perhaps that’s why I choose to think such dark thoughts…I listened to the world instead of God. I began to question Him. Never question God. Question the world.

     Through a time in my life…and sometimes still to this day, I wished that I looked and dressed like this.

We will talk about why later...but not in this blog post. Maybe a different one.

But instead, I look like a rainbow fell atop of me, drenching my cloths in its bright colours. I have so many red pieces of clothing, it’s embarrassing.

Luckily, I finally got rid of my red skinny jeans. Can you imagine?

Bright red skinny jeans, a red Jesus shirt, a redish-pink American Eagle jacket, topped off with some fancy red Birkenstocks.

Ugh! There I go again.

If I love that outfit, why should I be ashamed to wear it in public. Some of you might say, “Uhhh, because it’s hideous.”

Yeah, it may be hideous. But in my option, so are Romeos…and flare jeans. Shiver…

But, just because I don’t like them and just because I’m judging you if you wear them, doesn’t mean that you should stop wearing them on my behalf. Even though I would be most grateful.

But if what you are wearing is not a sin, and in doing so you aren’t sinning, why should you let other people’s opinions and views get to you? FORGET ABOUT ‘EM!

     Recently, I purchased my first very own pair of hammer pants. I love them to death and I wear them all of the time…in doors. Never once have I gone outside in them, except to go to the car, because I really don’t even like my neighbors in the first place. Anyway, the point still stands.

     I am ashamed to wear them in public because, in all seriousness, they are hideous. I won’t lie. They are flat out ugly, but I still love them. Why should I care what others think about my hammer pants, when they’re just jealous anyway?

If you are struggling with your identity or accepting who you are, a little word to the wise. Never question God, question the world. Because you were beautifully and wonderfully made.

So, in the wise words of Tomisnotawesome, “Be happy. Stay happy. And I love you.”

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