Monday, March 10, 2014


     What is the point of time? We are brought into this world, we live, for the most part, an equivalent of eight decades, and then we become one with the dust of the ground from whence we came. It’s not like stopping time would help. It might feel good to plunge a freshly sharpened knife into that ticking object. But the sad reality is this, after you have struck the clock, you soon begin to realize that you continue to die.
So, I will ask again. What is the point of time? 

     In my younger days I would have simply shrugged my shoulders to the question, but not now. Now my ears are open. My mind wonders. What is the meaning of time, why does it exist? Most would say to keep track of life, but why? Why do we feel the need to keep track of ourselves, using a never ending cycle that only brings pure agony with every birthday?
     Is the answer to the question really just as simple as, because? Did our ancestors create time because they wanted to, because they needed something to do with their spare time. See, there that word is again, time. We can’t seem to escape it. 

So, what does it mean? Time?
     The Google dictionary states that time is “the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.” But why? Once again people of earth, think! Pace the floor if you must! Why do you think that time is even necessary? What do you think that time is, regardless of what the dictionary says?

I am waiting.
     Is time just an endless journey that exists only to remind us of how little time we have left to live? Is it there to remind us of our deaths? Is that the definition of time, the Grim Reaper? Is time going to walk up to your door one day, press its bony finger onto your door bell, and greet you with a wicked smile?

What are your thoughts?
     Do you believe that there is more to time than just simply counting down the minutes to our inevitable deaths? Do you think that that at least has something to do with it, even in the slightest way? Or do you have your own completely different opinions? If so, I would love to hear them. 

Do you have it? 

Good, now keep it there, for I am about to give you my own personal opinion. Remember, keep your own thoughts there, and don’t lose them. I want to hear those thoughts of yours.
     To me, time is simple. “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause and effect, but ‘actually’ from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.” – The Doctor.

Couldn’t resist.
     But in all seriousness, that is somewhat true. Even if you aren’t a time traveling alien from outer space, time can still be like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, time-y wimey stuff. 

Time is life. 

Yes, it is indeed a countdown to your death, in a way, but not in a murderous, scary way.
     Time keeps track of your past, your present, and your future. But out of those three tenses, most important of all would be your past. It reminds you everyday of the things that you have done, bad or good, productive or unproductive, you name it.

Especially through the teenage years, if I might say so myself.
     Time is not only there to remind you of your past events, but it also exists so that you can be aware of how much time you have to accomplish miraculous things. Of course, not everyone is promised tomorrow, but time is like an estimate without an exact guarantee of its accuracy. Time is there to remind you to live your life for God, and not to waste it.
     As I sit in front of my computer, urging myself to get off of Pinterest in order to get my five page paper done that is due in five hours, I watch as time passes by in front of my eyes. I can do nothing but sit back and allow it to subjugate me. As the minutes continue to pass, first five, then ten, then twenty, I beg for release from time so that I may spend my days how I please, but that is not how God designed for the system to work.
     Time is there to remind us of the things that need to be done, the little stuff that has already been accomplished, and the events that must never come to be. So, next time you are doing something that you know you shouldn’t really be doing at the moment, remember time and its importance. Remember what you must do, what you must always do.

The right thing.

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