Monday, March 3, 2014

Blue Print

     Everything is a blue print. Everything is a maze, the maze of life. A carpenter will look at blue prints as instructions on how to build a stable structure. Well, what if I told you that that was how the almighty God looked at us?
     We are currently the mere sketch, or outline, of what God has intended for us to be. He is the carpenter and we are the structure that is waiting to be built. Ponder on these words as I now take you onto a different route.
     If one is merely a sketch, what is the rest of the world? Is everything else complete in God’s eyes other than the human race, which He made in His own image, let’s not forget. Take a look at your soundings. What do you see?
     Do you see a beige wall, or perhaps just the computer that you are reading this on? Does it look complete? Does it look as if the creator has finished his product? When coming to terms that a wall had been finished before you were, does that make you feel a bit less important? It did when I thought about that very possibility. Or perhaps it isn’t a possibility, but instead the complete opposite. 



Good, confusion makes you think.
     You now currently have all of these previously asked questions rolling about within your mind. Which ones stick out to you the most? Which ones haunt you more than the others? But most importantly, which ones cause you to actually stop and think?

Our society, no one thinks.

No one listens.

Just listen. Just think!
     God made you for a purpose, what was it? Do you even have the slightest idea? Does anyone? No, no, these aren’t the correct questions. The question that you should be asking yourself is, who are you, really?
     Are you patient or eager? Are you humble or arrogant? Do you have what it takes to wait and see just what God has in store for you? In order to be the very person that He intends for you to be, will you be humble enough to accept help? 

We are not able to achieve greatness through the work of man, but only through God’s help. Are you willing to accept His help? How badly do you want to be finished? How badly do want to be like that beige wall? Do you really want it? Do you truly crave it?

Prove it.
     Don’t listen to the world. Listen yes, but only to God. He gave you ears for a reason, use them correctly and productively. Be better than that wall. Be better than your computer. Be what God intended for you to be, and only what He intended for you to become.
     Oh, and by the way. Don’t worry. That beige wall was merely mentioned for a demonstration. It too is incomplete just like your computer, along with the very ground that you walk on, and the planet that you live in. There is no need to fret, for they are nothing more than a bunch of atoms moving faster than the speed of light. When you have been finished, there will be no need for those fake beige walls and computers. They will be gone, and then we shall receive the real deal in heaven, and heaven alone. Until then, ask God to show you who He wants you to be, and then listen.

Listen very closely.

And don’t forget to think.

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