Monday, March 24, 2014


     He’s everywhere. He’s on your Pinterest(or your daughter’s Pinterest). He’s on movies, the television, the internet…just social media in general. This guy is currently, without a doubt, one of the most famous celebrities. No, seriously, there is a twitter account dedicated to his LAUGH. Yeah, I know.

His name is Thomas Hiddleston, AKA Loki of Asgard.
     Every girl, young and old, wants to have at least the chance to meet him face to face. And everyone has their own reasons why. He’s hot. He’s an amazing actor. He loves old books and poetry. He’s kind. He’s smart….did I mention he’s hot?
     But sadly, I am not here to talk about his looks and charm. Instead, I want to share something a little different than what you might hear about our dear Tom Hiddleston. Don’t worry. This, hopefully, isn’t going to be as boring as it sounds.
     Everyone saw him in Thor. He was the blue, whiner-butt, villain that not everyone was fond of, at first. Okay, maybe not everyone saw him that way in Thor, but I did. I didn't have any sort of attraction to him I actually came out of the movie theater super disappointed, for I hadn’t enjoyed it at all.
     I thought that the movie itself was odd, and not to mention I didn’t like any of the characters. But I was glad that I had watched it, or else if I hadn’t of, I would have ended up like my mother; watching the Avengers and not having a clue where all of this “God of Thunder” and alien stuff was coming from.

Boy, I will never forget the long and tedious conversation that took place in our car, trying to explain to mom that she had missed a whole Marvel movie. An important Marvel movie, to be exact.
     Speaking of the the Avengers, that was where it all started. And come to think of it, I believe that that was where it had started for most of the earth’s population as well. Not even two weeks later, Tom had gone viral. Pictures of him were EVERYWHERE! I could not go anywhere on my Pinterest without seeing his face, or my Tumblr for that matter.

At first, I had absolutely no clue who the guy was, until, of course, I finally Wikipediaed him.
There I found that he was, in fact, Loki, from Thor. The first thought that crossed my mind was, “Why?” 

At that point in my life, I had absolutely no respect for the English (no thanks to my father), and I just didn’t really fancy him as a person. Sure, I could see some aspects in him that people would like, but I couldn’t see him as his title, “A Sex Symbol.”
     Wanting to know more about this guy, I scrolled down the Wikipedia page, and stopped once I saw what I was looking for; Filmography. I wanted to see just what kind of an actor Tom really was. Noticing that he had played in a lot of films, I knew that I would have my work cut out for me...and a lot of all-nighters.

War Horse
The Avengers
Wallander (A must see)
     After IMDBing them, all of these sounded pleasing to me. And once I had watched them all, some for the first time, I began to notice something. Something that was very important.

It wasn’t the attractiveness of Tom, of course some might only see him in that aspect, but it was his skill and passion for his occupation that caused people to love him.
     At one moment I saw him as a whinny, wimpy villain on a stupid movie, now I cannot help but see him as a motivated man with a passion for theatre. But as I sit down and write out my thoughts about this particular man, I begin to ponder on one specific question.

Is he saved?

Because even though he is an intelligent, charismatic, amiable man, what is the point of it all if he is just going to end up in Hell in the end?
     When fully running that question through my mind, I truly began to realize how much the world sucks. The thought of that man possibly suffering for eternity breaks my heart. While some girls desire to see him face to face before they die, I hope to see him in Heaven with me after I am already dead and gone.
     My only wish right now, at this moment, is that, if he is not saved, someone would minister to him. Tell him about the one true God that can save him from all evil. Tell him about the consequences if he doesn’t accept Him. Just tell him.
     Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to witness. Be a light. If you do get the amazing chance of seeing Tom Hiddleston face to face before you die, take that chance to save him. Don’t waste it by telling him about your Pinterest board that is dedicated to him. Don’t tell him about all of the fanfics that you have written about him/Loki in the dead of night. Don’t tell him every wondrous thing that you have done that might impress him…or scare him off…just saying.

You know why?

Because such an act is selfish.
     Love him, yes, tell him that you do. I bet he will feel wonderful. But most importantly, don’t forget to tell him how much more God loves him. You could save his life from a living Hell.
     And if he is saved, praise God! That means that I have written this three page Word document for nothing. Well, maybe not nothing. I guess that this post could be just what it’s titled.

I really hope that this has touched your heart, just as it has touched mine. God bless. Be a light.

See you in Heaven.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Murder Scene

     Silence, silence was all Adriana could hear as she lay in the blood stained bathtub. She could smell the appalling sent of the red liquid that was currently surrounding her. But the fact that she was surrounded by blood wasn’t what startled her. No, it was because she couldn’t seem to remember how it had gotten there. How had that horrific fluid make its way on and around her? Was someone hurt?
     Adriana suddenly opened her eyes as a gasp escaped through her lips. An unexpected, searing pain had magically appeared within the depths of her stomach. At least, that was where she thought the source was coming from. Even moments after her attempted murder, Adriana was still unknowingly in a state of shock.
     Luckily, the traumatizing event had been erased from her memory in order to keep her sane, even at the end of her life span. What an amazing thing, the brain. God specially designed it to do the impossible. He had been extremely graceful on Adriana. He could have just allowed her to knowingly lie in her own blood as she reflected on the angered face of the man that had done the unthinkable. The way he had snuck into her chambers and stabbed her repeatedly was not a memory that one should have to die thinking about.
Oh, how gracious our God is.
     Allowing mercy to a woman guilty of the same crimes as her attacker was not something to be taken lightly. If she was aware of what He had done for her, perhaps she would have thanked Him endlessly, just as He deserved. But He received no praise, nor any acknowledgment. That is just one of the countless attributes that sets us apart from God; His meekness.
     As Adriana closed her eyes and welcomed the comforting darkness, she felt herself beginning the process of ascending down the twirling staircase of life. The feel of her smooth, silk nightgown against her bare legs was one of her favorite things in the world. And because God loved her, He allowed her to feel the comfort of her nightgown, as she took her last steps of leaving this retched world.
     He was more than pleased to accept her into his Kingdom. And the moment that Adriana saw her Judge, Master, and Creator’s glorious face, she knew that she would never return to the place that she had once called home, nor would she ever desire to. Adriana could remember much of her evil and twisted life, but the one thing that she could not seem to recall was the cause of her death.

     Adriana asked her marvelous Master for the reason as to why she could not remember such an event. The Lord simply ran His hand through her soft, black hair, and proceeded to answer His child’s question. “A child of My Kingdom should never have to bear such a burden,” was all that He said to her before she went off and gathered things to praise Him with.

Monday, March 10, 2014


     What is the point of time? We are brought into this world, we live, for the most part, an equivalent of eight decades, and then we become one with the dust of the ground from whence we came. It’s not like stopping time would help. It might feel good to plunge a freshly sharpened knife into that ticking object. But the sad reality is this, after you have struck the clock, you soon begin to realize that you continue to die.
So, I will ask again. What is the point of time? 

     In my younger days I would have simply shrugged my shoulders to the question, but not now. Now my ears are open. My mind wonders. What is the meaning of time, why does it exist? Most would say to keep track of life, but why? Why do we feel the need to keep track of ourselves, using a never ending cycle that only brings pure agony with every birthday?
     Is the answer to the question really just as simple as, because? Did our ancestors create time because they wanted to, because they needed something to do with their spare time. See, there that word is again, time. We can’t seem to escape it. 

So, what does it mean? Time?
     The Google dictionary states that time is “the indefinite continued progress of existence and events in the past, present, and future regarded as a whole.” But why? Once again people of earth, think! Pace the floor if you must! Why do you think that time is even necessary? What do you think that time is, regardless of what the dictionary says?

I am waiting.
     Is time just an endless journey that exists only to remind us of how little time we have left to live? Is it there to remind us of our deaths? Is that the definition of time, the Grim Reaper? Is time going to walk up to your door one day, press its bony finger onto your door bell, and greet you with a wicked smile?

What are your thoughts?
     Do you believe that there is more to time than just simply counting down the minutes to our inevitable deaths? Do you think that that at least has something to do with it, even in the slightest way? Or do you have your own completely different opinions? If so, I would love to hear them. 

Do you have it? 

Good, now keep it there, for I am about to give you my own personal opinion. Remember, keep your own thoughts there, and don’t lose them. I want to hear those thoughts of yours.
     To me, time is simple. “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause and effect, but ‘actually’ from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly… time-y wimey… stuff.” – The Doctor.

Couldn’t resist.
     But in all seriousness, that is somewhat true. Even if you aren’t a time traveling alien from outer space, time can still be like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, time-y wimey stuff. 

Time is life. 

Yes, it is indeed a countdown to your death, in a way, but not in a murderous, scary way.
     Time keeps track of your past, your present, and your future. But out of those three tenses, most important of all would be your past. It reminds you everyday of the things that you have done, bad or good, productive or unproductive, you name it.

Especially through the teenage years, if I might say so myself.
     Time is not only there to remind you of your past events, but it also exists so that you can be aware of how much time you have to accomplish miraculous things. Of course, not everyone is promised tomorrow, but time is like an estimate without an exact guarantee of its accuracy. Time is there to remind you to live your life for God, and not to waste it.
     As I sit in front of my computer, urging myself to get off of Pinterest in order to get my five page paper done that is due in five hours, I watch as time passes by in front of my eyes. I can do nothing but sit back and allow it to subjugate me. As the minutes continue to pass, first five, then ten, then twenty, I beg for release from time so that I may spend my days how I please, but that is not how God designed for the system to work.
     Time is there to remind us of the things that need to be done, the little stuff that has already been accomplished, and the events that must never come to be. So, next time you are doing something that you know you shouldn’t really be doing at the moment, remember time and its importance. Remember what you must do, what you must always do.

The right thing.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blue Print

     Everything is a blue print. Everything is a maze, the maze of life. A carpenter will look at blue prints as instructions on how to build a stable structure. Well, what if I told you that that was how the almighty God looked at us?
     We are currently the mere sketch, or outline, of what God has intended for us to be. He is the carpenter and we are the structure that is waiting to be built. Ponder on these words as I now take you onto a different route.
     If one is merely a sketch, what is the rest of the world? Is everything else complete in God’s eyes other than the human race, which He made in His own image, let’s not forget. Take a look at your soundings. What do you see?
     Do you see a beige wall, or perhaps just the computer that you are reading this on? Does it look complete? Does it look as if the creator has finished his product? When coming to terms that a wall had been finished before you were, does that make you feel a bit less important? It did when I thought about that very possibility. Or perhaps it isn’t a possibility, but instead the complete opposite. 



Good, confusion makes you think.
     You now currently have all of these previously asked questions rolling about within your mind. Which ones stick out to you the most? Which ones haunt you more than the others? But most importantly, which ones cause you to actually stop and think?

Our society, no one thinks.

No one listens.

Just listen. Just think!
     God made you for a purpose, what was it? Do you even have the slightest idea? Does anyone? No, no, these aren’t the correct questions. The question that you should be asking yourself is, who are you, really?
     Are you patient or eager? Are you humble or arrogant? Do you have what it takes to wait and see just what God has in store for you? In order to be the very person that He intends for you to be, will you be humble enough to accept help? 

We are not able to achieve greatness through the work of man, but only through God’s help. Are you willing to accept His help? How badly do you want to be finished? How badly do want to be like that beige wall? Do you really want it? Do you truly crave it?

Prove it.
     Don’t listen to the world. Listen yes, but only to God. He gave you ears for a reason, use them correctly and productively. Be better than that wall. Be better than your computer. Be what God intended for you to be, and only what He intended for you to become.
     Oh, and by the way. Don’t worry. That beige wall was merely mentioned for a demonstration. It too is incomplete just like your computer, along with the very ground that you walk on, and the planet that you live in. There is no need to fret, for they are nothing more than a bunch of atoms moving faster than the speed of light. When you have been finished, there will be no need for those fake beige walls and computers. They will be gone, and then we shall receive the real deal in heaven, and heaven alone. Until then, ask God to show you who He wants you to be, and then listen.

Listen very closely.

And don’t forget to think.