Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bullying Part II: My Story, My Message

Previously, I had asked you guys to kind of think about your bullying experiences and I also told you that in this one, Part II, I would tell you guys about my own bullying experiences. 

And this post is actually in perfect timing, you see, tomorrow I graduate, so before I graduate from grade school, I get to reminisce about the worst part of it. Yay!

Anyway, seriousness.

     What if I told you guys that I was a bully? Would you hate me?

In my opinion, everyone is a bully at one point or another, even if it’s for a second. But still, even though it was for a quick second, you were a bully to that person, and they will forever remember you that way until you make things right. Even then, there will always be that little tug at their heart every time they hear about you, see you, talk to you, etc.

     But who knows, I might just be saying all of this to cover my own skin for being a bully. No, I didn’t shove kids into lockers or steal their lunch money, but I was a mental bully.

Back in 8th grade, my “gang” and I weren’t the nicest of people, but we had the potential to be. We constantly called each other names and picked on each other saying things like,

“No, you retard, that’s not how you do the problem.”
“Dude, if you cry, I’m seriously gonna laugh.”
“What is she doing? She’s so weird. I seriously hate her.”

And the list goes on.

     Now, this next part is gonna sound like I’m making excuses for the way we were acting towards each other and the other classmates, and, well, that’s because I am. You see, none of us wanted to be at the school were attending. We were all stripped from our friends and our previous schools. We hated everything that was going on and the way we dealt with it was by letting out our anger on others.

Well, that was my reason, at least.

     What amazes me, is that literally everyone that we were mean to or ignored, are still friends with us. They love us, even. Why? We never asked for forgiveness, so why did they forgive us?

Seriously guys, I couldn’t say it enough, God is so good.

There I was sitting at my desk, ignoring the teacher and spitting spit-balls at the walls and at other kids, and I never even thought of the possibility that I would be leading these very kids in worship, prayer, and their everyday walk through the hardships of life.

All of those sexual jokes, mean taunts, disrespect towards the teachers, everything, it’s like all of it was forgotten – forgiven. I am literally on the verge of tears while writing this. God is so good.

I have no right to say this, but bullying sucks. Bullies suck.

I suck.

I just want to take a moment to apologize to everyone that I wronged, knowingly or not.

     I am sorry for everything I said to you that made you feel worthless. That made you cry. That made you hate me. I am sorry for taunting you, picking on you, pulling pranks on you. I apologize for ignoring you; making you feel like an outcast. I am sorry for the name I called you, for laughing at your embarrassing moments. I am sorry for not accepting you; whether I was jealous of you or not.

     Teachers, I apologize for not respecting you as an authority. I am sorry that I said things behind your back. I am sorry that I despised you for no reason other than the fact that you were an authority. I am sorry for my rebellious heart, which I am currently working on.

     God, I am sorry I didn’t bring you glory. I apologize for all of the unholy things that came out of my mouth and the acts I did. I am sorry for the moments I hated you, because of the situations you put me through.

“Take me away
I can’t take another day
Please, don’t make me stay
Take me away

“Reach out your hand
Make me understand
Why I went so far
I must know where you are


“There must be hope, just learning the ropes
I’m still here today, I must find a way
Break out of this cage, with all of my rage
I can’t comprehend, I’m sinking again

“Can’t see through the ice, I’m fighting my lies
I’m drowning again, is this the end?
I want a new start, need you as a part
My smile never lasts, it’s now or the past


“I need to stay strong, I must carry on
I’m trapped in a shell, surrounded by hell
I’m lost in the dark, you are my spark
I’m begging you dear, please find me here”

(Oceans By Marry Me, Ocean  - Metal)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

American's Hate Japan

Do American’s hate the Japanese?

     Nah ya’ll, I’m just playing. But seriously. Do we?

I mean, let’s talk about this for a moment. I feel like anything and everything that has to do with the Japanese culture, American’s brand it as stupid.

     For example, my dad and I will reminisce about the good ol’ days when our favorite shows were Hannah Montana, The Spectacular Spiderman, and that 90’s X-Men show. (Both of those last ones are Cartoons, for your information.) But the moment my brother and I start talking about how we used to love Bakugan Brawlers and how we are mad that our parents never let us watch Pokémon (because it was “evil”), we are suddenly super lame for watching those ‘cartoons’.

     What makes Anime lame and not The Simpsons?? People say that Anime is for children, and then they go and watch Frozen ten thousand times. I am so confused. If you think that Anime is for children, I want you to go watch the first episode of Death Parade (Hulu Plus), Attack on Titan (Netflix), or even Psycho Pass (Netflix). After you watch those and you still think that all Anime is for children, I would really like to know how you grew up or what you’re smoking.

Okay, enough with Anime, cause I could literally go on all day.

     I get a lot of people don’t like comic books and most people think that they are lame. But I feel like even people who dislike comics, think that Manga is even worse. Why, because it’s read from right to left and that’s not American? Neither are most of those British and Australian actors you like.

     I recall watching this amazing show called “The Andy Griffith Show”, which everyone should know what that is, because it’s amazingly hilarious. Anywho, this is a 60’s show right? Well, in one of the episodes that I was watching, Barney decided that he was gonna take up martial arts. His buddy Andy and basically the whole show  made fun of him and martial arts throughout the whole thing, because that was just weird to fight without a gun in America. Look at us now.

Martial Arts are flippin’ awesome! Don’t think so? Need statistical proof?

“Somewhere around 18.1 million Americans participated in karate or some other form of martial art at least once in the past year? That includes 9.4 million adults, 5.5 million teenagers, and 3.2 million kids.” ~ Said some random Martial Arts article I found on Google.

Plus, who doesn’t want to be a samari, or even better, a freakin’ Jedi, which are basically “space samari.” According to my brother.

This last one I kind of understand, but I’m still gonna rant about it cause it’s my blog, I’m a rebellious adolescent, and I can.

     Awhile ago, I found this amazing Japanese punk band that was seriously just amazing! (ONE OK ROCK for those who care. I suggest you listen to their song “Deeper Deeper” first.) Guess what, I got crap for listening to Japanese punk, causing me to be all music-conscious. Just because it was Japanese, they instantly “knew” that it was weird before they even listened to it. Let me tell you this, those who listened to it, thought that it was absolutely spectacular; even people who aren’t really even into punk music.

Yeah people, it’s that good. You should really check it out. Like now. I really wouldn’t mind if you guys exited out of my blog right now and listened to this band, it’s totally worth it.

Well, that’s all for my rant folks, for now. Never know, Pro-Japan Korrie might make her way back to the blog world.

     So next time you start thinking negative thoughts about anything that was made in or originated from a different country other than America, give it a chance. You might find something that you totally enjoy!

Peace out my homies! Stay radish.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Darkness Part II: The Answer

Now I lay you down to sleep,
Cause the price I paid for your soul was not cheap.
Darling, you think you’re worthless?
What am I, merciless?

‘Twas I who saved you,
For I thought you already knew.
My love for you is everlasting.
And once again, your faith in Me is lacking.

If frightened is what you are,
I will hold you forever more,
I swear.
Because it’s only you I adore.

Yes, the enemy may be attacking,
But ‘tis I who is laughing.
For no matter what,
With Me here, the door to your heart is shut.

They may never touch your soul.
Nor will they ever gain control.
For it is I who tells them what to do.
And they may never break though.

But, nevertheless,
You do have a choice.
To Me, your sins you can confess.
And in Me you can rejoice.

But if it is I you do not desire,
And My love you don’t require,
I will not force it,
Not even a little bit.

I did not create you to be a machine.
Nor some cookie-cutter Believer.
For there is nothing I have not seen.
In your path, you have the choice whether or not to waver.

However, My love for you still remains.
So, if you would like Me to take the reins,
I would be more than willing.
And then you will truly start living.

There is nothing left to discuss.
So, if you shall die before you wake,

I pray your soul He will take.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Bullying Part I: Introductions

Awhile ago, a good friend of mine asked if I could do up a blog post on bullying. So naturally, I said I would make it my number one priority!

So naturally, I didn’t…but I thank her so much for being so patient with me!

Growing up, I was extremely luck, for I wasn’t really ever bullied. Of course I get made fun of and picked on every once in awhile, especially for being a Christian, but who doesn’t?

Even bullies get made fun of.

I know that most were not as lucky as I was during school, but this blog post is not about me, it’s about the one’s whose stories need to be told, whose voices need to be heard. Throughout this post, we are going to take a journey through the lives of the bullied…and the bully. Let’s get started with the bullied, shall we? Warning! This blog post is kind of long! Not up for a little heavy reading (in my opinion, not a reader so heavy reading for me is like ten minutes), then come back later.
This first story is from the NOPLACE4HATE website. Everything is from the original author.


My name is Elizabeth or Eliza or sometimes even Lizzia.

Where do I start....well from as far back as I can remember I've been bullied. From teachers to students to my own next door neighbours. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland but then moved to Norway when I was two. I lived there for almost five year and came back to my home in Aberdeen, Scotland when I was six. Now I lived, breathed and spoke Norwegian even my ancestry is Norwegian (or Danish still not sure about that) so when I came back to Scotland I was a scared six year old (older then everyone) starting a new school where nobody would understand me.

The bits I remember was this girl (I'm gonna call her Zoe) decide to pick on me because I was friends with the only other Norwegian girl Sunivia (pronounced Sun-eve-a). The bulling got worse when another girl (called Flora) left me when she found out I was still in nappies (diapers for you Americans) because I wet the bed. Anyway Sunivia left after my first year and the picking on got worse. When I was 11 my teacher made me take a Dyslexia test and I was told that I had Dyslexia and Dysgraphia (don't ask). It took them seven years to know years of hell and comments like:

'Why are you so stupid.'
'Your a year older.'

I left when I was twelve leaving my friends after the Headmistress kicked me out and any other student who had a mental health problem or was diagnosed with a learning disability (unless like my BFF Frieda who's mum worked at the school). I was angry and cried because I didn't know what I did wrong. Then I was moved to a new school and I knew from the moment I went there that I was gonna HATE it. The bulling that I'd tried so hard to escape from was back. And this time in a form I had not had since Kindergarten...boys. I had lived in a all girl school in Aberdeen for seven years and Zoe was back.

The boys thought it was funny that I was a book nerd and loved writing (which is probably why this is so long). My friend Amy was emotionally unstable and kicked me when see got made (she's stopped now and we're still firm friends). When I dyed hair for the first time they said:

'Burn the Witch'
'Burn the child of Satan.'
'Left handed Witch!'
'Burn the Faery Know!' (fairy child of Scottish myths).

That last one was extremely offensive because my ancestor was burned at the stake for being a 'Faery know' in the Witch burning rave in Scotland. When I entered my third year of senior school (8th of 9th grade) he boys started to touch me in inappropriate places, chuck my stuff against the wall, rip my things out of my hands and rip to shreds. The girls in my dorm (boarding school) were just as mean. I was often sick because I was scared to go to school. They took my clothes, school books and then took my shampoo and squeezed out the contence on my bed and left it there. They also his my stuff and stole my hoodies so I was left in a freezing castle by the sea with nothing to keep me warm. The teachers didn't help. I was off school more and I was scared for my mother.

My dad was in the army and his father was in the army and so on. They were all military officers with medals galore and a short temper. My father owns his own business and when I was 'sick' I was really watching out for my mother who is small, extremely skinny (almost anorexic) and I felt VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of her. As my grades slipped more arguments happened and more screaming matches between my father and I happened. Until my body couldn't take it anymore and I really was sick. As it turned out I had something called 'Viral Labyrinthitis.' If anybody had had this you know it is hell. You can't move without vomiting, I couldn't shower and I didn't eat much. The school kept pestering my mother sent me back. This lasted for a month before I was well enough to go back. I then had to see a Social Service lady who was trying to sort out the s- - - at home. I went back to school and the same boys then said to me

"Why don't you just stop being weird Bromby!"

And then I realised. Keep reading E. Keep watching Harry Potter and raving about it and how Sirius should not have died. Keep being wanting to be a red head like your grandmother and your first cousins once removed and second cousins. Be proud that you are a descendent of a 'Faery Know!' and that you are the granddaughter of the dead Kenneth McKenzie the person in charge of most of the Scottish Whiskeys distilleries in Scotland, be happy that your Great-Great-Great Grandfather Daniel Adamson manufactured the Manchester Ship Cannel in 1880s. Be happy that you have thousands of cousins who love you. Be happy that your Aunt gave birth to two amazing first cousins you see as your siblings.

After that year I moved schools again. I didn't know which school id move to but I knew I'd be put down a year again. I'm now sixteen years old and turning seventeen in December 2015 and I couldn't be happier. So my advice is to people (if your still reading) that never EVER give up on who you are. Never bottle up you emotions like I did. Let them out. Let them be known. Tell those bullies to stop it. Lead your own life. After all we only have one shot at it...

Elizabeth "Eliza, Lizzia or E" Alison Bromby (16, Scotland, Kilgraston School of Girls, Perth).”
  The next story, on the bully’s side of the story, is from “Confessions of a Bully”.
     “The teasing began in fifth grade, after Daniel Harrison and a neighborhood pal had a growth spurt and Courtney Kondor did not. "We were taller and just naturally started making fun of her," says Daniel, now 15 and a sophomore at Mattawan High School, near Kalamazoo, Mich. "When she didn't do anything about it, we drove in more and more. Like I would see her in the school hallways and shout, 'Hey, shorty!'" By seventh grade, on the school bus, "I used to mess up Courtney's hair," Daniel says, while his pal continued to provide the laugh track. "It felt cool to not be made fun of and to be the one making the fun." At no point did he think of himself as a "mean bully," he says. "I thought of myself as a playful bully: I bullied with a smile on my face."

One morning in December 2007 Daniel ramped up the bus "fun" by snatching a hat from Courtney's head. Daniel tossed it to his sidekick, who passed it to another girl the two boys liked to tease, who in turn threw it back to Daniel. "I put the hat down my pants," he says, then clarifies, "Uh, the front. It wasn't under my boxers." As he got off the bus, Daniel says he noticed that "Courtney was devastated" and realized that he'd gone "definitely a little too far." The next morning he was summoned by his middle school dean to talk with-and apologize to-Courtney. He was also told to report to detention the following day. None of that made much of an impression on Daniel. "I was worried about getting grounded," he says. "I wasn't worried about hurting Courtney's feelings."

Then his parents received a phone call from the dean. Until that moment, the worst his mom, Yvette Harrison, a juvenile probation officer, and dad, Stanley, an electrician, had heard about the younger of their two sons was that he was a "class clown" and a charmer. "I was furious with Daniel," his mom recalls. "I was embarrassed. Where did I go wrong in raising him?" She grounded Daniel from playing his beloved video games for two weeks and insisted they go over to the Kondors' house to apologize. "Daniel was very nervous," she says, "but he didn't fight me on it."

There, Daniel came face-to-face with not only Courtney but her mother, Kim Kondor, whom Daniel had known for years. "As soon as Courtney's mother came to the door, we could see the anger on her face," Daniel's mom says. Kondor accepted Daniel's apology, then described how Courtney had returned from school the previous day "crying so bad she couldn't hardly get the story out." And that wasn't the only day Courtney had come home upset. "It was really shocking," says Daniel. "I thought it was, like, hurting her feelings that day and then moving on."

In detention the next day, Daniel chanced upon Ben Mikaelsen's Touching Spirit Bear. "It was just perfect timing to read that book," he says of the story about an angry teen who torments a white bear. The following school year, assigned by his language-arts teacher Laurie Hogan-McLean to send a letter to an author describing how a particular book had proved inspiring, Daniel wrote to Mikaelsen that, while reading Bear, "I realized who I was, and I hated it." A few months later his letter took top state honors in the national Letters About Literature contest. "Daniel opened a door to help kids reflect," says Hogan-McLean.

Today Daniel is a leader in his school's chapter of Peace-Jam, a nationwide student organization that studies the deeds of Nobel Peace Prize laureates. With Courtney, 15, Daniel says, he gave her "the power" to choose what would become of their relationship. "If she wanted to kick me out of her life, so be it." Her choice: to resume their friendship. And he has become a champion of those in need. "I always end up befriending the people being bullied," he says. "It's satisfying to help people out."”
     You know how I said that this blog post wasn’t about me? Well, I wasn’t lying, but I didn’t tell the whole truth either. Part II will include my story and a bit more on these two sides of two different stories. In the mean time, as I take forever to post Part II, I would like for anyone reading this to just kinda think about these two stories. Were you bullied? Were you the bully? Are you not sure?

Just think about it. For me, please? *Bats eyes* 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Darkness Part I: The Nightmare

Now I lay me down to sleep,
And so begins the count of sheep.
For tis I who dreads the night,
Its evil smirk and wicked bite.

Reluctantly, I watch in horror,
The demon hidden in the corner.
Can you feel it?
The crime they’re about to commit?

Death is what they desire,
And soon their plan will transpire.
Nothing can stop them,
Our soul they will condemn.

Sweat drips,
And hits your lips.
You feel the trickle,
And your fear grows little by little.

They’re breath grazes your neck,
Reminding you that every night is a trek.
And you close your eyes,
Even though you know that it is unwise.

Fear of the unknown?
The truth has been shown.
Allow me tell you the truth,
There is no "fear of the dark" for the youth.

What we see is real,
And some have confirmation.
So it doesn’t matter how you feel,
Cause we are all promised to damnation.

No one can save us,
There is nothing to discuss.
So if I shall die before I sleep,
I pray my family to mourn and weep.

Monday, October 13, 2014

You. Are. Not. Alone.

So, lately on a lot of my other sites (Pinterest, Instagram, Youtube, etc.), I’ve been posting many things about being yourself.

The reason behind way I have been so devoted to this particular topic is because currently, I know a great deal of people, young and old, who are battling with being judged for “who they are.”

     Now, just to clarify, if “who you are” is a sin, then we need to talk. And if you are confused about your personality being considered a sin, that conversation is for another blog post another day. Today we are going to talk about putting the Devil’s/other people’s harmful words aside, and listening to God’s.

     The moment sin entered the world; mankind looked at each other and instantly thought unholy things: Adam and Eve both blamed others for their own faults, Cain desired to murder Abel (which he later accomplish), and when Noah informed everyone that there was going to be a great flood, they all thought him to be pretty freakin’ stupid.

Even Noah, a great man of God, was made fun of and ridiculed for believing in something.

You. Are. Not. Alone. (If anyone caught that Doctor Who reference, I love you.)

     Once upon a time, a young girl began to struggle with herself as a person: how she looked, how she acted, what her voice sounded like, and who she was as a whole. This was not what the young twelve-year-old girl should have spent her days thinking about. She should’ve be running around, climbing trees, and playing with her Polly Pockets without a care in the world of what anyone thought about her, because all that she ever needed was God.

But no, she heard what the other girls in school and the media said.

“Look this way.”

“Act this way.”

“Think this way.”

“Be this, be that, just don’t be yourself.”

How was she supposed to listen to the words of the Bible, “God made man in His own image” and “you are fearfully and wonderfully made” when everyone else says different? Was it all just a great, big lie?

This twelve-year-old little girl…was me.

For four long years these questions ran through my mind. “Who am I supposed to be?” “Who am I?”

Which soon led to…“Who is God?” “Why am I even here?”

     Though it never led to thoughts of suicide, thank God, it did cause me to wonder why any of us are even here. Why we live? Perhaps that’s why I choose to think such dark thoughts…I listened to the world instead of God. I began to question Him. Never question God. Question the world.

     Through a time in my life…and sometimes still to this day, I wished that I looked and dressed like this.

We will talk about why later...but not in this blog post. Maybe a different one.

But instead, I look like a rainbow fell atop of me, drenching my cloths in its bright colours. I have so many red pieces of clothing, it’s embarrassing.

Luckily, I finally got rid of my red skinny jeans. Can you imagine?

Bright red skinny jeans, a red Jesus shirt, a redish-pink American Eagle jacket, topped off with some fancy red Birkenstocks.

Ugh! There I go again.

If I love that outfit, why should I be ashamed to wear it in public. Some of you might say, “Uhhh, because it’s hideous.”

Yeah, it may be hideous. But in my option, so are Romeos…and flare jeans. Shiver…

But, just because I don’t like them and just because I’m judging you if you wear them, doesn’t mean that you should stop wearing them on my behalf. Even though I would be most grateful.

But if what you are wearing is not a sin, and in doing so you aren’t sinning, why should you let other people’s opinions and views get to you? FORGET ABOUT ‘EM!

     Recently, I purchased my first very own pair of hammer pants. I love them to death and I wear them all of the time…in doors. Never once have I gone outside in them, except to go to the car, because I really don’t even like my neighbors in the first place. Anyway, the point still stands.

     I am ashamed to wear them in public because, in all seriousness, they are hideous. I won’t lie. They are flat out ugly, but I still love them. Why should I care what others think about my hammer pants, when they’re just jealous anyway?

If you are struggling with your identity or accepting who you are, a little word to the wise. Never question God, question the world. Because you were beautifully and wonderfully made.

So, in the wise words of Tomisnotawesome, “Be happy. Stay happy. And I love you.”

Monday, August 18, 2014

Is God Against Me?

     I sit on my bed, wondering what I did to deserve this. This…this torture. Does He take pleasure in it? Why does God, the one who is supposed to love me more than anyone else, put me through such crap?
     As I lay there, pondering these questions that never seem to escape me, I feel the first tear of many begin to make its way down my cheek. I see it flow with the gravitational pull, and watch in horror as it hits my baby blue pillow. What am I to do but sit and watch as my life spirals out of my control? I ask God what to do, hoping that He might give me some sort of good answer, and He gives me the complete opposite.
     They always talk about it in Sunday school and whatnot. All of my pastors and teachers have warned me, tried to prepare me. But no matter how many times you inform someone, they will never truly understand until they experience it for themselves.

“God does not always answer prayers the way that we want Him to, but He always answers them the way that we need Him to.”

     Countless times I have heard that phrase, or one like it. Countless times have I told myself that I would follow God into the ends of the earth, no matter which direction He takes me. If it be the hard path, let it be. If it be the easy path, thank You for Your mercies.

Where are my mercies?!

They said that You don’t always answer prayers the way that we want You to, but it seems like You never do!

What am I supposed to do?

Pray, pray, pray, but only end up feeling defeated?
     I thought that You were supposed to be my Saviour, my Rock, my Redeemer, my Everything! Why does it sometimes seem like You’re my enemy? Is this my punishment from past sins, the hard path? I have let it be every time, where are my mercies?!

“Are You against me?”
     I somewhat recall a phrase I once heard my friend say to me, “God puts His strongest soldiers through rough trials, so that He can make them stronger and that He might receive the glory for a miraculous event.” Why?

     I am NOT Your strongest soldier. Pick someone else, please! Why must I bear this burden time and time again of whether or not to obey You or live in sin? Why must it be so difficult? I know what I must do, but why can’t you make it just a bit easier on my weary soul?

     I prayed that You would show me what to do, and You did, but it hurt me terribly in the process. I came to You once again and prayed for weeks for an answer, but You decided to mix it up a bit.

You made me choose.

All I wanted was an answer. Straight forward, no twists and turns.

When will You give me a break?!


But here’s the deal.

     For so long I have asked these questions, over and over again, searching for some form of answer. But as I contemplate my own questions and doubts, I begin to see that I knew the answer to all of my questions from the very start. I was just in so much denial, and I was so blinded by hate and anger to see it. What I needed was a big punch to face, and that was exactly what I got.

God doesn’t put His strongest soldiers through rough trials, He puts His weak ones. He tests us, pushes us, and now I know why.

He wants us to come to a point of such need and desperation, that all that we can do is fall on our faces and give it all to Him.

He is a jealous God.

     Don’t be angry at God. He is simply doing what is best for you. You just don’t know it yet. I have been through the same thing. I have had my points in time when I was so angered by God that I was on the brink of hating Him. Just the thought of it; I almost hated my Creator and Saviour.

It brings me to tears.

Don’t be so blinded by sin and worldly desires that you get to that point.



I know it’s hard. But believe me, it will all work out in the end.

     Because I listened to God the first time, I am right where He wants me to be. The process of getting there was not all rainbows and butterflies, but the ending conclusion was.


Have faith.

That is all He wants from you. Don’t hate Him for that.