Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Darkness Part II: The Answer

Now I lay you down to sleep,
Cause the price I paid for your soul was not cheap.
Darling, you think you’re worthless?
What am I, merciless?

‘Twas I who saved you,
For I thought you already knew.
My love for you is everlasting.
And once again, your faith in Me is lacking.

If frightened is what you are,
I will hold you forever more,
I swear.
Because it’s only you I adore.

Yes, the enemy may be attacking,
But ‘tis I who is laughing.
For no matter what,
With Me here, the door to your heart is shut.

They may never touch your soul.
Nor will they ever gain control.
For it is I who tells them what to do.
And they may never break though.

But, nevertheless,
You do have a choice.
To Me, your sins you can confess.
And in Me you can rejoice.

But if it is I you do not desire,
And My love you don’t require,
I will not force it,
Not even a little bit.

I did not create you to be a machine.
Nor some cookie-cutter Believer.
For there is nothing I have not seen.
In your path, you have the choice whether or not to waver.

However, My love for you still remains.
So, if you would like Me to take the reins,
I would be more than willing.
And then you will truly start living.

There is nothing left to discuss.
So, if you shall die before you wake,

I pray your soul He will take.

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