Monday, August 4, 2014

Categorized and Fitting In

Do you feel as if you don’t fit in anywhere?

Do you feel like you fit in everywhere except the one place where you want to?

Not only that, but do you and your "peeps" get dissed on 24/7 for

Since I am a home-schooled, christian who also got spanked as a child, I know what it's like to be categorized and to not fit in. Having to grow up, constantly hearing about how unsocial and awkward I must be.
It sucks.

Yeah, I have only celebrated Halloween once in my life, and it was before I can even remember. Does that make me deprived?

No, I never believed in Santa Claus. Does that mean I have terrible parents?

                  Sometimes I feel like people, take one look at me and think...

              Especially now that I am entering the world of a college student/adult.

My whole life I have put on this front of, "I don't care what you think. I'm an American." And sometimes, I truly don't care. But no matter how hard we try, words still hurt.

So...where's the positive light in this, Korrie?

Thanks for asking, I was just about to tell you.

                                                In a nut shell anyway.

We are God's people. We were perfectly made. And best of all, we were personally hand crafted by the big man Himself.

So, answer me this:
If we were so wonderfully and perfectly made, why do we feel this need to always fit in? Why do we desire to be something that we are obviously not?

Strange creatures, humans.

We are always striving for something to fill us up and make us whole. Something that will allow us to finally feel complete. Man kind continues to search for what seems like the most impossible thing. Happiness.

And yet, He is always right there, staring us in the face.

So why won't we just accept Him?

Weird, I know.

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