Thursday, February 20, 2014

Setting Sun

     The sun was setting, causing the day’s blue skies to turn a gorgeous, bright red. Its reflection spread itself across the brim of the ocean’s surface as the waves crashed against the sand that I adored oh-so much. The feel of it, the smell of it, everything about the beach just seemed right.
     Some choose to spend their time with nothing but a butt planted firmly on the sandy ground and a nose stuck in a book. Most prefer to lay themselves on a smooth towel and take pleasure in the joys of getting skin cancer. Not I. I am one of the very few who merely desire to stop, stare, and imagine. To imagine the impossible, the inevitable, the unthinkable, that was my job, or my craving, you could say.
     As I continued to gaze upon the magnificent sight, my mind began to work its magic. I could feel it shifting gears as steam made its way out of my ears and into the polluted air. Soon, the image before me changed into one of the most horrifying sights of all. The sun was no longer simply a ball of burning gas, but instead the top of the dreadful mushroom cloud.

     That was all that I could ask myself. Why must I think of such appalling circumstances? To take a beautiful picture that only one’s eye can capture and turn it into such hideousness was surly a crime, it had to be. This was my curse. This was my punishment. This was my insanity. This was my paradise. This…this was humanity.

Allow me to ask you a question.
     What makes you better than the most despised man in history, Adolf Hitler, himself? For you are nothing but a murderer and a terrorist such as he. You despise him with all of your being, but your being despises you. Humanity is nothing but a time bomb, waiting for that last second that would trigger its detonation. Our time is coming, your time is coming, my time is coming; the time when our wickedness is put to an end. The Day of Reckoning, or Doomsday, as some may call it. And might I say, that will be a glorious day indeed.

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